9-11 col-1 (493K)


Whoever is responsible for taking this webpage offline while Charles was out of it, I hope they paid you well;  you are now in disfavor with The Man Upstairs (who doesn't like mass-murdering war profiteers, for some strange reason). 

Also, thanks for giving me the opportunity to correct my grammatical errors.

Good luck, guys! 

Hello, and welcome to the Film Review Page!  Today we are going to be reviewing a video which examines the events that occurred on the infamous "September 11th," a term that I'm sure everyone has heard about by now, since its a buzzword (buzz term?) that has been employed repeatedly by politicians and other august personages to justify some hideous injustices which our apparently hi-jacked country has visited on innocent people in other less powerful countries.  These injustices include military invasions which have in turn resulted in more untold miseries perpetrated on more innocent people in even more countries, things like bloody factional conflicts and the like.  These injustices have accordingly prompted defensive movements and have understandably created factions between parties intent on stopping the villains responsible for said injustices (i.e., us) and other parties who, for expedient reasons, have actually sided with u.s., thus incurring the eternal wrath of aforementioned defensive movements, causing more unpleasantries such as civil wars and other internecine strife, resulting in severe disruption of said other countrys' affairs, which have then resulted in even more mass murders, more mass starvation of innocent civilians caught in the middle, etc., etc., etc.  But not to worry too much... apparently, it helps our economy!

That fact alone makes it easier for us to put up with the evil repercussions in our very own country, things such as incredibly expensive military buildups to counter "terrorist" threats (which are really just the foreseeable result of said aggressive actions taken by those certain aforementioned politicians and august personages), expenditures which weren't actually necessary before said injustices occurred, monies which would have been better spent dealing with our enormous domestic problems such as homelessness, pollution, etc. etc.  And let's just forget for now about some other little matters such as the implementation of certain "Acts" which have eroded the constitutional rights that our founding fathers fought so hard to get us, which have also caused other nice things like the tying up of airports and other ports with previously unnecessary security measures, causing endless hassles and headaches for travelers and business-people, since those "terrorist" guys are now so extremely upset with us...

This video about "September 11th" which we'll be reviewing is one that has actually been around for quite a while, but that most people (I bet) have never even heard of!  Actually, I'd probably lose that bet; according to this 2008 video, millions of people have heard the message that has been distributed by groups such as Architects & Engineers For 9-11 Truth, which was founded by Richard Gage (AIA) and an abundance of other concerned experts of various professions.  Why haven't YOU heard about this movement, or their video called "9/11: Blueprint For Truth; The Forensic Science Based Facts of 9/11" (available at "AE911") in the news?  We'll be addressing that little question soon in my upcoming editorial, "Who Controls The Media" -- watch for it.

But right now we're reviewing this video.  It's a real hum-dinger, as they used to say:  According to Mr. Gage and his associates, several very suspicious things happened on and after September 11, 2001 that don't seem to jibe with the news reports that we've continually been bombarded with since that fateful day almost 18 years ago, news reports which tell of an act of terrorism perpetrated by crazed Muslims that involved the hi-jacking of several airplanes which were flown into the Pentagon and into TWO buildings known as the World Trade Towers.  Things such as the following:

1.   Actually, THREE skyscrapers collapsed on September 11th, not TWO as most people have been (mis)led to believe; however, for some strange reason the total destruction of the third building was only reported once, on the day of the incident.  The collapse of the third building seems to have disappeared from our news media's archives.

2.   The third building (called WTC 7) that collapsed at 5:20 P.M. was not even hit by an airplane!  It seems to have just exploded and collapsed in the space of a few seconds, like a building demolished by strategically placed explosives.  Hmmmm...

3.   The collapse of the third building, before our news media developed sudden amnesia and forgot it happened, was reported by the BBC TWENTY MINUTES before it actually collapsed, leading some people to comment on the extra-sensory telepathic abilities of the BBC.

4.   WTC-7, the third building that collapsed, was one of the most secure buildings in the country (outside of the Pentagon itself) as it housed offices of not only Saloman Brothers and the American Express banking conglomerates, but also the Securities and Exchange Commission, the CIA's undercover New York station, the Secret Service's New York City headquarters, the IRS, the Department of Defense, New York City Mayor Guilianni's Office of Emergency Management, etc.  This is extremely interesting since, as that third building was not hit by an airplane, some highly explosive substance must have brought it down.  But who could have planted such a substance on those highly inaccessable floors?  You know who, man... the Taliban!  Or Al-Quaida!  Osama Bin Laden!  Gotta' hand it to that Bin Laden... since he couldn't seem to get a third plane to ream WTC-7 the way he did the other two towers, he sure must have been one super-magic guy to be able to get in there and plant highly incendiary explosives, such as...

5.   Thermite, an incendiary that gets as hot as 4500 degrees in just two seconds, more than enough to melt steel.  Dr. Steven Jones, Ph.D Physicist, found abundant evidence of manganese, fluorine, and other active ingredients of Thermite in World Trade Center dust, iron-rich microspheres, and lots of sulfur which when combined with Thermite makes Thermate, which causes steel to melt even faster.  Dr. Steven Jones and several associates have concluded that thermite reaction compounds were deliberately placed at both of the World Trade Center towers and the third tower (so much for the melted aluminum from the jet planes theory), BUT WAIT!  The Lawrence Livermore Lab came out with papers regarding these high-temperature incendiaries only approximately a year before the residues were found in the WTC debris, making it extremely strange that Osama Bin Laden could have gotten ahold of them (as he was running for his life at the time), let alone gotten inside WTC-7 to strategically plant them on all those floors the way he did.  But that's not all...

6.   According to Mr. Gage, an "office fire" such as the ones that reportedly caused the collapse of the three towers typically burns at approximately 1,200 degrees farenheit, with 1,337 degrees recorded for the hottest September 11th fires; however, a temperature of at least 2,700 degrees is required for steel beams (such as the ones holding up the three towers) to even begin to melt.  Since experts at FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) claimed that the steel beams were melted by incredibly hot fires caused by all that jet fuel, this might get you scratching your head:  according to Mr. Gage's video, "hydrocarbons (i.e., jet fuel) burning in open air cannot produce temperatures capable of melting steel." 

7.   At a lecture at the University of Texas/Austin, one Mr. John Gross, lead engineer of NIST, claims that he saw "absolutely" no evidence produced from eyewitnesses as to the presence of molten steel at the WTC site of 9-11 destruction, in spite of the fact that Mr. Gage's video features eyewitness after eyewitness who claimed they did see both molten steel freely flowing as well of evidence of it in debris at the site.  And then there's this strange account, from eye witness Kevin McPadden, Air Force Medic:  "...he came back over (a police officer) with his hand over the radio, and what sounded like a countdown, and at the last few seconds he took his hand off, and you heard "three, two, one" and he was just saying, "JUST RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, JUST RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" And then it was like another two, three seconds, you heard explosions, like BA-BOOM!  And it was like a distinct sound, it's not like just compression, like floors that were dropping and collapsing, this was like BA-BOOM! and you felt a rumble in the ground, like you wanted to grab on to something... to me, I knew that that was an explosion..." Maybe Mr. Gross didn't get a chance to interview these dozens of eyewitnesses, who were more than extremely willing to tell what they had seen, or perhaps he just didn't want to; who needs the extra work when you're already so busy, anyway? 

8.   According to World Trade Center Structural Engineer Leslie Robertson (who designed the World Trade Center) at the October 5, 2001 National Conference of Structural Engineers:  "As of 21 days after the attack, the fires were still burning and the molten steel was still running" (wow, I didn't known an office fire could burn that long!  Now I know better).  Numerous first responders (including 118 firemen) and demolition contractors employed to haul away the evidence reported seeing pools of molten steel at the site of the attacks.  Here's one name:  Abolhassan Astaeh-Asi, the first structural engineer given access to the WTC debris, who says: "I saw melting of girders at the World Trade Center."  But, however, government experts claimed that the clearly visible pools of molten iron that were seen running down the sides of the buildings were actually just melted aluminum from the airplanes; but again, however, according to Mr. Gage's many experts, melted aluminum doesn't glow yellow or orange as seen in the video, it's silvery and doesn't luminesce in daylight like the pools captured on all those videotapes were.  So now you know... cameras really do lie!

9.   Per Mr. Gage, the enormous pyroclaustic clouds from the pulverized concrete, seen by everybody, that were chasing people down city streets at 35 m.p.h. (much faster than you can run) could not have been produced by the 1,337 degree (farenheit) fires reported by NIST (actually, NIST said the fire temperatures were 1,800 degrees; that figure has been disputed by many experts); much more heat is required to melt the steel and pulverize the concrete that would produce such a pyroclastic phenomenon. 

10.   Then there's the amazingly fast speed at which the towers fell, like no building toppled by an office fire has ever been seen to do.  All three towers were filmed collapsing at a "free-fall" speed through the path of GREATEST RESISTANCE (the steel columns) exactly as if in a structural demolition job.  Apparently this is very strange, since every recorded instance of a building that fell due to an "office" fire took the path of LEAST RESISTANCE (i.e., they fell over, they didn't explode and disintegrate straight down into their own footprints, going through steel beams, in just a few seconds).  Also, those buildings that fell over had burned for many, many hours, much longer than the fires at the World Trade Center.

But moving on from the mysterious third tower collapse, here are some neat-o facts concerning the other two towers that actually were struck by airplanes: 

11.   Hundreds of witnesses (including at least 118 firefighters) reported seeing numerous belts of explosions going off all around the building and hearing numerous explosions, repetitive like gunfire, from many blocks away.  Unlike a building brought down by normal explosive demolition procedures where the explosions start at the subterranean level, witnesses and video footage reveal explosions starting at the top of the buildings (half of the top 15 stories of the North Tower disintegrated in only 4 seconds).  The top of the North Tower was recorded on video collapsing down onto the point of impact of the jet plane that reamed it; very strange that the jet fuel that caused the collapse could have gotten up there on its own!  And also...

12.   In all the videos of the collapsing towers, explosions can be seen going off 20 to 30 floors below the demolition wave bringing the towers down.  And also...

13.   Torn off projectiles can be seen flying away from the building; massive steel assemblies were hurled at least 500 feet away, indicative of an explosive nature; very strange behaviour for a building brought down by an ordinary fire!  And, also...

14.   Those same projectiles were recorded on video impacting surrounding buildings, and actually sticking out of the sides of said surrounding buildings like a sore thumb, so to speak; windows in surrounding buildings were also blown out, but, curiously, none of this was mentioned by our news media; and also...

15.   The explosions visibly shooting out the sides of the building that were said by NIST to be puffs of air being forced down through the building's elevator shafts "like a piston effect" were actually "focalized ejections" occuring at a speed of 160 to 200 feet per second, quite unlike the effect that would be produced by smoke being forced out of the building through those elevator shafts; also they can be seen occuring in places where the elevator shafts weren't; and also...

16.   Taking the South Tower which was approximately 1,362 feet tall as an example, that building fell in approximately 9.2 seconds, a speed matching Gallileo's Law of Falling Bodies in Complete Free-Fall (distance = 16.08 x seconds squared); the calculation of 1,362 = 16.08 x 84.7 (almost the exact square of 9.2 seconds, which my calculator says is 84.64) kind of lends some weight to the theory that the towers weren't brought down by an "office fire", which couldn't remove the supporting steel beams almost instantaneously to permit the free-fall acceleration that was witnessed and video-recorded on September 11th.  And also...

17.   "No pancakes, please..."  As this was a "pancake" collapse (as the news videos clearly show), where were the 110 floors, each one approx. an acre in size, that should have been pancaked at the bottom?  No metal decking, no concrete, no evidence that should have been remaining at the bottom of the destruction was found; New York Governor George E. Patkaki said that "all of lower manhattan... from river to river, there was dust two to three inches thick... the concrete was just... pulverized!"

18.   According to firefighter witnesses, nothing was found at the bottom of the destruction!  To quote one firefighter:  "you have two 110-story office buildings (collapsing)... you don't find a desk... you don't find a chair... you don't find a telephone... you don't find a computer... the biggest piece of a telephone I found was half of a keypad, and it was about this big... (indicates an approximate 2 inch gap with fingers).  The building collapsed to dust."  That dust made it across the river, almost to New Jersey, averaging about 4 inches thick; all that was left of concrete floors, gypsum wall board, steel decking, office furniture, office machinery, file cabinets, etc. -- 90,000 tons of concrete missing, pulverized to 100 micron to 10 mil particles, almost as fine as talcum powder.  Where did it all go? As the old saying goes, "ashes to ashes, dust to dust..."

19.   NIST spent $20 million taxpayer dollars and took 3 years to issue a 10,000 page report; however, the focus of the investigation (the Probable Collapse Sequence [for brevity, you understand]) centered on the events occuring from the time of impact of the aircrafts to the initiation of the collapse of the buildings; it does not include the structural behavior of the towers after the conditions for collapse were reached (i.e., the unbelievable parts).  Of that report's 10,000 pages, one-half page summed up the proceedings.  Here are some pertinent findings:  "The structure below the level of collapse initiation offered minimal resistance to the falling building at and above the impact zone.  The potential energy released by the downward movement of the large building mass far exceeded the capacity of the initial structure below to absorb that through energy of deformation..."  Yeah, they had already told us that;  how about this:  "...the building section above came down essentially in free-fall as seen in the videos.  As the stories below sequentially failed the building mass increased, further increasing the demand on the floors below, which were unable to arrest the moving mass."  Yeah, right... so, what made "the stories below sequentially fail..."?

20.   In response to a "Request for Correction" initiated by Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, Richard Gage, Bob McIlvaine and others on September 27, 2007, NIST acknowledged:  "we are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse (of the Twin Towers)."  BUT NOTE!  I, Charles, personally viewed a videotape put out by some august and credible authority claiming that the towers fell because of some sort of special insulation installed around the steel beams that, when ignited, um, for some inexplicable reason provided the extra 1,360 or so degrees required to melt the steel... oh, good.  Glad to hear that... I was starting to get suspicious.

Ok, let's wrap this up, style.  Here's my conclusion:

Somebody's lying, and I mean bald-faced lying.  Given the preponderance of evidence presented by Mr. Gage's video presentation, and the amount of booty... uh, I mean acquisitions gained by certain people who have demonstrated a complete lack of honesty, morality, credibility, and sensitivity (you know, the usual suspects), I theorize as follows:  a bunch of no-good terrorists who were mad at us for, among other things, supporting a very nice country that seemingly controls our country which, among other things, provided aforesaid nice country with horrible experimental weapons to use on their enemies (i.e., the "terrorists" who are now our enemies), then publicly thanked them for allowing us the opportunity to test out those horrible experimental weapons on those "terrorists" who were whining about getting kicked out of their homes and sent to other places of refuge (get it?), somehow hi-jacked and flew several airplanes (flown by fantastic pilots who somehow performed aerial feats that not even our best pilots could perform) into the Pentagon and the two World Trade Center towers, and wherever else our news media said they flew 'em, and also did all the other things our news media told us they did to us (hey, I'm not gonna' get myself arrested for treason and sedition, fool!). 

So... there it is!  You heard it on  Ok, alright already... I admit it, I'm just a big focking coward, afraid of my own government.  I'm too afraid to protest and make a big stink about a highly questionable occurence that has been used as an excuse to completely change the face of this country, and is still being used by our Maximum Leader and his Zionist friends (did I say that?) to justify further military excursions, expenditures and hostilities.  And I'm too afraid to talk about other things that people of the above, er, persuasion are doing to the entire world today.  I guess I'm just a miserable worm...

But you aren't!  Go to "" and find out what really happened on September 11th... then do whatever your conscience tells you to do.  Maybe prepare petitions and letters to the people mentioned at "", and demand an explanation.  Or at least TALK ABOUT IT to your friends, children, priests, rabbis, city council-people, anyone who'll listen!  A word to the wise:  don't act alone!  Any effort to try to correct this mess should be a group effort... otherwise they'll pick you off one by one.  And me?  What am I going to do?

Nothing!  Like I said, I'm a focking miserable worm!

Bye now!



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Text Copyright 2019 by Charles Adrian Trevino.   This is